Annie and Manny is an educational-family series of 26×7’ episodes with non-dialogue characters in its first season. However, it benefits from a facilitating narration. This series leading characters are two siblings named Annie, 6, and Manny, 4, who are curious to explore their surroundings as all children in this age group behave similarly. They are energetic and vigorous, yet highly capable of learning simple rules. In each episode, Annie and Manny, who might be companied by their friends including Turtee, Hoggie and Mushi and their families, face challenging situations. For problem solving, they benefit from the suggestions or pieces of advice scaffolded by the narrator or their parents. Teaching personal and social skills are pivotal in this series and the topics consist of shyness, Nyctophobia, selfishness, self-confidence, and teamwork. To children, family is at the heart of their world. In this series, thus, the emphasis is placed on the role of immediate family primarily and secondarily, the extended one.